Monday, December 23, 2019

The Relationship Between Family Dynamics And Juvenile...

Abstract What is the relationship between family dynamics and juvenile delinquency? Can the family environment really affect the delinquency of a juvenile? A broken home is one of the first factors that will be looked at. Do single parents have more juveniles involved in delinquency than families with two parents? Do families with just a mother present have more delinquency than a family with just a father? The second factor that will be looked at is drugs and alcohol in the home. How does drugs and alcohol relate to violence in the home? When parents get in trouble for their drug and alcohol use and get locked up, how is the family affected by this? The third factor that will be looked at is bad parenting. Is bad parenting caused simply by being too strict or not strict enough? Or could it be that parents lack the proper supervision of their children and allow them to do things that they shouldn’t? All of these factors will be looked at and discussed within this paper. The building blocks of life begin at home. The kind of family that you are brought up in can determine which road you take in life. There are many different factors within family dynamics that can affect juvenile delinquency. From the Broken Home, Drug and Alcohol Use and Bad Parenting. Each one of these can be broken down to help explain how family dynamics can affect juvenile delinquency. The first factor within family dynamics that affects juvenile delinquency is the broken home.Show MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency Is A Crime Committed By A Young Person1379 Words   |  6 PagesThe Juvenile is a young person who is between ages ten to eighteen and dependent on others for their survival. Delinquency refers to a crime committed by a young person. Juvenile Delinquency, for this reason, refers to a crime committed by a minor. The transition from childhood to adulthood is tough for some minors who end up in participating in criminal activities for survival. 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