Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Guidelines for Using Double Possessives in English

Take a good look at the following sentence: Natsaha is a friend of Joans and a client of Marlowes. If this sentence strikes you as extremely possessive, youre on the right track. The combination of the preposition of and a possessive form—either a noun ending in -s or a possessive pronoun—is called a double genitive (or double possessive). And while it may appear overly possessive, the construction has been around for centuries and its perfectly correct. British novelist Henry Fielding used the double genitive in A Journey From This World to the Next (1749): At seven years old I was carried into France . . . , where I lived with a person of quality, who was an acquaintance of my fathers. Youll also find it in Anne Brontà «s second (and final) novel: Shortly after, they both came up, and she introduced him as Mr. Huntingdon, the son of a late friend of my uncles.(The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, 1848) American writer Stephen Crane slipped a double genitive into one of his short stories: Oh, just a toy of the childs, explained the mother. Shes grown so fond of it, she loves it so.(The Stove, in Whilomville Stories, 1900) And in a recent novel, author Bil Wright doubled up on the construction: Hed already proved he was a liar. And he had a girlfriend even though he wasnt divorced. No, not a monster. But definitely an enemy of my mothers and mine.(When the Black Girl Sings, 2008) As these examples demonstrate, the double genitive is generally used for emphasis or clarification when the possessor is human. But watch out. If you stare at it too long, you may convince yourself that youve found a mistake. Apparently thats what happened to one of the original language mavens, James Buchanan. Back in 1767, he tried to outlaw the double genitive: Of being the sign of the Genitive Case, we cannot put it before a Noun with (s) for this is making two Genitives.(A Regular English Syntax) Keep in mind, as pointed out in Merriam-Websters Dictionary of English Usage, that the 18th-century grammarians simply had a horror of anything double, because such constructions did not occur in Latin. But this is English, of course, not Latin, and despite its apparent redundancy, the double genitive is a well-established idiom—a functional part of the language dating back to Middle English. As Theodore Bernstein says in Miss Thistlebottoms Hobgoblins (1971), the double genitive is of long standing, idiomatic, useful and here to stay. Finally, consider Martin Endleys demonstration of how the double genitive can be used to draw distinctions: (59a) I saw a statue of Queen Victoria in the park.(59b) I saw a statue of Queen Victorias in the park.Sentence (59a) can only mean that the speaker saw a statue depicting the great British monarch. On the other hand, the double genitive in (59b) would most naturally be understood to mean that the speaker saw a statue that once belonged to Queen Victoria but which depicted someone else.(Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar, 2010) All the same, if the double genitive troubles you, just follow the example of linguists Rodney Huddleston and Geoffrey Pullum and call it something else: The oblique genitive construction is commonly referred to as the double genitive. . . . [H]owever, we do not regard of as a genitive case marker, and hence there is only one genitive here, not two (The Cambridge Grammar of the English Language, 2002).

Monday, December 23, 2019

The Relationship Between Family Dynamics And Juvenile...

Abstract What is the relationship between family dynamics and juvenile delinquency? Can the family environment really affect the delinquency of a juvenile? A broken home is one of the first factors that will be looked at. Do single parents have more juveniles involved in delinquency than families with two parents? Do families with just a mother present have more delinquency than a family with just a father? The second factor that will be looked at is drugs and alcohol in the home. How does drugs and alcohol relate to violence in the home? When parents get in trouble for their drug and alcohol use and get locked up, how is the family affected by this? The third factor that will be looked at is bad parenting. Is bad parenting caused simply by being too strict or not strict enough? Or could it be that parents lack the proper supervision of their children and allow them to do things that they shouldn’t? All of these factors will be looked at and discussed within this paper. The building blocks of life begin at home. The kind of family that you are brought up in can determine which road you take in life. There are many different factors within family dynamics that can affect juvenile delinquency. From the Broken Home, Drug and Alcohol Use and Bad Parenting. Each one of these can be broken down to help explain how family dynamics can affect juvenile delinquency. The first factor within family dynamics that affects juvenile delinquency is the broken home.Show MoreRelatedJuvenile Delinquency Is A Crime Committed By A Young Person1379 Words   |  6 PagesThe Juvenile is a young person who is between ages ten to eighteen and dependent on others for their survival. Delinquency refers to a crime committed by a young person. Juvenile Delinquency, for this reason, refers to a crime committed by a minor. The transition from childhood to adulthood is tough for some minors who end up in participating in criminal activities for survival. Much blame has been on the fall of social values, family ties and individuals. The disintegration of family norms has alsoRead MoreSocial Outcasts and Juvenile Deliquency Essay909 Words   |  4 Pagesstatus. Social outcast are also hated, discriminated and persecuted by the society and as a result they may result into being depressed and lonely. Juvenile Delinquency refers some illegal and antisocial behaviors by persons who are under the age of 18 thus are minors. This means behaviors that would be regarded as crime if done by an adult. Juvenile delinquent refers to those children or adolescent who behave in the said antisocial manner. Some of such behaviors are associated with mental disordersRead More Young People As A Social Problem Essay941 Words   |  4 PagesYoung People As A Social Problem In the wake of the alarming rate of juvenile delinquency and the accumulating cases of teenage suicide since the mid 90s, its not surprising to see that the majority started to accuse young people as a source of social problem. Nowadays, some may even consider young people as a group of easily-agitated gangsters euipped with the potential ability and the desire to disrupt the present social order. However, is it justified to point the finger of blame on ourRead MoreCauses Of Juvenile Delinquency. Authors John Hagan And1601 Words   |  7 PagesCauses of Juvenile Delinquency Authors John Hagan and Bill McCarthy of Cambridge University offer an insight between the relationship between juveniles and their participation to criminal activities. According to them, the primary theories they employed in understanding the dynamics of youth taking to the street are control theory and strain theory (Benjamin, 1999). Through control theory, the authors point out erratic parenting, family deprivation, neglect and abuse and other forms of parental rejectionRead MoreEvidence-Based Practices For Youth Offenders1343 Words   |  6 Pagesis preserved by the United States’ Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), provide a list of all evidence-based practices that are beneficial for youth offenders (SAMHSA, 2017). Per SAMHSA (2017), between 50-70 percent of the youth in the juvenile justice system, have a mental disorder and up to 60 percent have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder (SAMHSA, 2017). Of those youth with dual diagno sis, approximately 30 percent have lost the ability to function as aRead MoreStrain Theory- An Explanation For Juvenile Delinquency Developed By Robert1055 Words   |  5 PagesCovington 22 October 2014 Prof. Joshua Wakeham I. Identifications 1. Strain Theory- An explanation for juvenile delinquency developed by Robert Merton in 1957. The Strain Theory focuses on the idea that Americans are expected to meet certain economic and social goals. Those who lack the means to carry out these goals turn to illegal ways to do so. Though this is true for many juveniles living below their means, the theory does not explain nonviolent crimes like white collar crimes. AlsoRead MoreRunaway Juveniles Are Not A Serious Problem821 Words   |  4 Pagesrunaways rarely stay away from home for long periods and stay within 50 miles of home (Hammer, Finkelhor, Sedlak, 2002). Although runaway juveniles are not a serious problem (Kim, 2006) and eventually return to parents or guardian (Milburn et al., 2007), they are victimized and exposed in deteriorate circumstances while away. There were many problems for runaway juveniles, in spite of returning after a short period of time, such as increasing their likelihood of engaging in high-risk behavior, being exploitedRead MoreJuenile Delinquency in Trinidad and Tobago1801 Words   |  8 PagesJUVENILE DELINQUENCY Running Head: JUVINILE DELINQUENCY Juvenile Delinquency is resulting from the absence of a father figure in the home, abuse and peer pressure in TnT and can be reduced through family intervention education and peer counselling. By Karryl Johnson Caribbean Nazarene College In partial fulfilment of the requirements for Course: PT461: Research Methods 11. Lecturer: Shirley Cadogan Date: Saturday 6th October, 2012 1. Introduction A. Rationale B. Definition 11 BiblicalRead MoreThe Effects Of Incarceration On The Social Of African American Juveniles1487 Words   |  6 PagesDisciplinary changes applied to the juvenile justice system in addition to negative impressions of juvenile males have caused juvenile male incarceration rates to surge. African American male juveniles encounter racial differences in society everyday due to view that media portrays them to be. Racial bias amongst these juvenile African American males is the principal cause of their incarceration rates climbing higher each year. The lives of these juveniles are seriously altered after being incarceratedRead MoreEssay on What lies in the future of our youth? 2611 Words   |  11 Pagesneed to take the time to mold today. Youth delinquency is a massively growing problem in the United States today. Youth delinquency â€Å"refers to abnormal social or legal behavior by children or adolescents, for dealing with juveniles, such as juvenile detention centers. There are a multitude of different theories on the causes of crime, most if not all of which can be applied to the causes of youth crime† (Youth Delinquency, 1999 p.1). A youth (juvenile) delinquent is one who repeatedly commits crime

Sunday, December 15, 2019

The Factors that Contribute to the Effective Use of iPads with PMLD Pupils. Free Essays

Description I wish to lead an investigation into how pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) can be aided by the use of modern technology. People affected by PMLD will often have a difficulty with communication and may also experience physical, sensory or mental health disabilities. The combination of several issues leads to an increased need for medical and social care and a decreased ability to learn by normal methodologies. We will write a custom essay sample on The Factors that Contribute to the Effective Use of iPads with PMLD Pupils. or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Porter, Ouvry, Morgan Downs, 2001). My argument is that by implementing technology we can provide PMLD pupils with a more engaging learning environment. I will focus specifically on how the Apple iPad can be used to support the learning experience of those with difficulties. I will address two main questions through my research: firstly, how far does the use of Apple iPads go to enhance the learning of pupils with PMLDAnd secondly what factors contribute to the effective use of iPads with PMLD pupils? I believe that the best method to conduct this investigation is through action research, involving a practical approach to social inquiry (Waters-Adams, 2006). This will entail data collection, data analysis and fieldwork, which will allow a personal approach towards the study giving it a means to evolve and improve along with changes in the data. (Reason Bradbury, 2002). Data collection will be underpinned by the concepts of reliability and validity in order to ensure accuracy and fair representation of results. I plan to utilise questionnaires and online surveys, distributed to teachers, parents and pupils, alongside interviews and personal observation of iPads in use within classrooms. Observations will be limited to four carefully chosen pupils and questionnaires will be conducted by the snowballing technique. Action research can be difficult to conduct alongside other commitments, which is why I have developed a timetable as suggested by Mills (2006). Phase 1 (July 2012): Develop research questions. Phase 2 (August 2012): Conducted critical review of relevant literature. Phase 3 (September 2012): Conduct classroom observation. Disseminate questionnaire to second school. Phase 4 (October 2012): Conduct semi-structured interviews with teachers. Phase 5 (November – December 2012): Data collation and analysis Phase 6 (Early 2013): Review, question and action. Disseminate research findings to interested parties. There will be several issues with this study and the implementation of these teaching methods. For instance it is important to individually assess the needs and strengths of each pupil in order to provide them with a personalised experience which meets their needs (Handy, 2000). If the technology is used without first assessing the needs of the pupil then it may be of little benefit, and it is important that the teachers understand the aims and logic behind these teaching methods so they can implement them correctly and assess any development and success (Florian and Hegarty, 2004). These potential issues will be factored in to all research. Rationale Despite the rapid advances in the field of special education over the last few decades children with PMLD have continued to present a challenge to teachers and teaching methods. In the 1980’s teachers developed the intensive interaction methods of trying to improve the communication skills of those with disabilities and learning difficulties, which has proven to be effective in some cases. (Lovell, 1998). The use of iPads build on these methods by providing an interactive experience which will engage the pupils. If this is successful the Apple iPad can provide a one-to-one learning experience while minimising the number of carers required, promoting a more productive teaching method (Davis and Florian, 2004). This could go a long way to revolutionising how those with disabilities and learning difficulties are taught and could not only improve the educational system but also the individual lives of those affected. Technology is already implemented in some specialist schools as a tool for teaching. It is believed that Information Communication Technology can be used to support specialised needs in mainstream as well as specialist environments (Condie, Munro, Seagraves Kenesson, 2007). Ofsted have also reported that technology has been used effectively to overcome learning barriers (Ofsted 2005; 2004a) and a project to provide technology aids to pupils was well received by both parents and pupils alike (Wright et al., 2004). The personalised environment provided by educational technology will improve the pupil’s quality of life and take demand away from the education system. Literature Review I will lead my research by conducting a full and detailed literature review into the previous and current studies surrounding this topic. This will include analysis of Census data and Ofsted reports regarding PMLD children and the use of technology in classrooms. Existing reports and articles will also be reviewed to determine how successful studies have been so far. For instance several studies have been conducted into the importance of visual and interactive learning environments. A study by Sparrowhawk and Heald (2007) suggested that educational software should be colourful, interactive, accompanied by sound and provide the pupil with a challenge as well as constant feedback, in order to stimulate the mind and interest. Foyle (2012) supports this theory by stating that pupils are most motivated when supplied with sound, music and a reward system. Flo Longhorn and Penny Lacey also advocate a sensory approach to learning after working with PMLD pupils for over ten years. I expect my examination of the field to further support the theory that iPads will improve the learning of pupils with disabilities. Conclusion As pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties have impairment in communication and cannot function in what would be considered a ‘normal’ learning environment, steps must be taken to improve their learning experience. Studies have proven that support can be successfully provided through the implementation of technology in order to provide an individual experience based on the pupil’s needs. This gives the pupils a safe method of communicating with the world around them. The Apple iPad has the greatest potential to meet the requirements of PMLD pupils due to its interactive, portable and user-friendly nature. References Condie, R., Munro, B., Seagraves, L. Kenesson, S. (2007). The impact of ICT in schools – a landscape review. Becta. Davis, P. Florian, L. (2004). Teaching strategies and approaches for pupils with special educational needs: A scoping study. Department for Education and Skills. Available at http://www.education.gov.uk/complexneeds/modules/Module-1.1-Understanding-the-child-development-anddifficulties/All/downloads/m01p010c/II.teaching_strategies%20including_aspects _of_II.pdf. (Accessed 03.08 2012). Florian, L. Hegarty, J. (2004). ICT and Special Educational Needs (Learning Teaching With ICT). 1st Edition. Open University Press. Foyle, A. (2012). Switched on to education. SEN Magazine Online, January 2012. Available at: http://www.senmagazine.co.uk/articles/378-switched-on-to-education-the-use-of-ict-in-sen.html (accessed 29.08.2012) Lacey, P. (2011) . Online Available at: http://www.senmagazine.co.uk/articles/396-designing-a-curriculum-for-pmld-a-profound-challenge.html (accessed 29.08.2012). Longhorn, F. (1998). A Sensory Curriculum for Very Special People. London: Souvenir Press Ltd. Lovell, D.M., Jones, R.S.P. and Ephraim, G. (1998) ‘The effect of Intensive Interaction on the sociability of a man with severe intellectual disabilities’, International Journal of Practical Approaches to Disability. Vol. 22, Nos 2/3, 3-9 Mills, G. E. (2006). Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher (3rd Edition). Prentice Hall. Ofsted (2004a), Report: ICT in schools – the impact of government initiatives: School Portraits – Eggbuckland Community College. London: Ofsted Ofsted (2005,) Embedding ICT in schools – a dual evaluation exercise. London: Ofsted. Porter, Ouvry, Morgan, Downs, ‘Interpreting the communication of people with profound and multiple learning difficulties’, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, Volume 29, Issue 1, pages 12–16, March 2001 Reason, P. Bradbury, H., (2002). The SAGE Handbook of Action Research. Participative Inquiry and Practice. 1st Edition. London: Sage Sparrowhawk, A. Heald, Y. (2007). How to Use ICT Effectively With Children With Special Educational Needs. Edition. Learning Development Aids. Waters-Adams, S. (2006). Action Research in Education. Faculty of Education Plymouth. Wright, J, Clarke, M, Donlan, C, Lister, C, Weatherly, H, Newton, C, Cherguit, J and Newton, E (2004). Evaluation of the Communication Aids Project (CAP). London. Available at: DfES. http://www.dfes.gov.uk/research/data/uploadfiles/RR580.pdf (accessed 14.08.2012). How to cite The Factors that Contribute to the Effective Use of iPads with PMLD Pupils., Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

College Staying True to My Roots Essay Example For Students

College Staying True to My Roots Essay Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world. This statement serves as a guideline to my life. No matter how horrendous my day was, the one thing I always remember is to keep a smile on my face. As children, a parent’s job is to teach you important lessons to live by and this one has stuck with me for 18 long years! One day in the middle of my freshman year, one of my classmates that I did not communicate with much was sitting alone at lunch. She was a rather depressing person to be around. She had a permanent frown on her face which sparked my curiosity. I wondered â€Å"why? I couldnt fathom a logical reason to constantly frown. Although I knew that she wasnt one of the â€Å"cool girls† and that all my friends would make fun of me for speaking to her; my curiosity got the best of me. I scooted my chair back, picked up my lunch tray and made my way across the cafeteria. I plopped down in the seat across from her. Her reaction was my automatic reassurance that I had done the right thing. We struck up a conversation and I instantly realized how much we had in common. We got stuck on the devastating topic of divorce. Her parents separated when she was young. She insisted that she was fine and that it didnt bother her anymore, but I could tell that something was still picking away at her. I decided to open up and share some since I was currently in the same situation. I explained to her how my parents split the year before and how my mother and I had just finished moving into our new house. My life story seemed to grab her attention and before I knew it this small, shy girl was talking one hundred miles per hour! Finally she asked me the million dollar question, â€Å"How do you keep a smile on your face all the time†? At last, it was my time to shine! The words spilled out of my mouth like a waterfall. There is no special secret. There is no class you can take to learn how to smile. It all comes from your heart; if your heart is smiling then your lips will follow. Just because I smile does not mean that I am not upset or angry due to my parents separation. Smiling simply means that I have made the decision to change what I am capable of and learn to cope with what I cannot. Everyone has different ways of coping. There is no wrong way to deal with your feelings, unless you ignore them. Some people cope through physical activity while others might read a book and relax. As for me, the method to my madness is junk food and big, white smiles! The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience was to never judge a book by its cover. Although the cover might appear bright and happy and promising, when you peel back that first page you could easily reveal a very depressing story. No matter what this life throws at me I will always keep a smile on my face. Rain or shine I will stand my ground and stay true to my roots. I can only hope that my smile will brighten someone’s day and that it might touch their hearts to help them get a happier perspective on life.

College Staying True to My Roots Essay Example For Students

College Staying True to My Roots Essay Don’t let the world change your smile, let your smile change the world. This statement serves as a guideline to my life. No matter how horrendous my day was, the one thing I always remember is to keep a smile on my face. As children, a parent’s job is to teach you important lessons to live by and this one has stuck with me for 18 long years! One day in the middle of my freshman year, one of my classmates that I did not communicate with much was sitting alone at lunch. She was a rather depressing person to be around. She had a permanent frown on her face which sparked my curiosity. I wondered â€Å"why? I couldnt fathom a logical reason to constantly frown. Although I knew that she wasnt one of the â€Å"cool girls† and that all my friends would make fun of me for speaking to her; my curiosity got the best of me. I scooted my chair back, picked up my lunch tray and made my way across the cafeteria. I plopped down in the seat across from her. Her reaction was my automatic reassurance that I had done the right thing. We struck up a conversation and I instantly realized how much we had in common. We got stuck on the devastating topic of divorce. Her parents separated when she was young. She insisted that she was fine and that it didnt bother her anymore, but I could tell that something was still picking away at her. I decided to open up and share some since I was currently in the same situation. I explained to her how my parents split the year before and how my mother and I had just finished moving into our new house. My life story seemed to grab her attention and before I knew it this small, shy girl was talking one hundred miles per hour! Finally she asked me the million dollar question, â€Å"How do you keep a smile on your face all the time†? At last, it was my time to shine! The words spilled out of my mouth like a waterfall. There is no special secret. There is no class you can take to learn how to smile. It all comes from your heart; if your heart is smiling then your lips will follow. Just because I smile does not mean that I am not upset or angry due to my parents separation. Smiling simply means that I have made the decision to change what I am capable of and learn to cope with what I cannot. Everyone has different ways of coping. There is no wrong way to deal with your feelings, unless you ignore them. Some people cope through physical activity while others might read a book and relax. As for me, the method to my madness is junk food and big, white smiles! The most valuable lesson I learned from this experience was to never judge a book by its cover. Although the cover might appear bright and happy and promising, when you peel back that first page you could easily reveal a very depressing story. No matter what this life throws at me I will always keep a smile on my face. Rain or shine I will stand my ground and stay true to my roots. I can only hope that my smile will brighten someone’s day and that it might touch their hearts to help them get a happier perspective on life.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Kmml free essay sample

ORGANIZATIONAL AND FUNCTIONAL DETAILS OF THE KERALA MINERALS AND METALS LTD. (KMML) GENERAL Date of Incorporation:16th February 1972 Address:Sankaramangalam P. O Chavara, Kollam- 691 583 Phone/E-mail/Fax:0476 -2686722 to 2686733 (12 lines) [emailprotected] vsnl. net. in 0476-2680101, 2686721 Administrative Department:Industries department (Under Govt. ) Name of the Chairman:Sri. A. K LUKE. Name of the Managing Director:Sri. A. K LUKE. Present activities:Separation of Minerals and manufacturing of Tio2 Organizational Details Govt. f Kerala incorporated Kerala Minerals and Metals Limited in the year 1972 by acquiring the FXP Mineral plant (established in 1932) from a private entrepreneur. With share capital of Rs. 30. 93 crores, the plant had a total outlay of Rs. 144 crores. This is only the first fully integrated Titanium Dioxide plant in the world in the same campus. KMML has made an indelible mark in the field of mining, mineral processing and manufacturing. The company is Indiaâ⠂¬â„¢s first and only manufacturer of Rutile grade Titanium Dioxide by Chlorine route. We will write a custom essay sample on Kmml or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page KMML also manufactures mineral sand like Ilmenite, Natural Rutile, Zircon and Intermediary products like Synthetic route (Beneficiated Ilmenite), Titanium Tetra Chloride and converting the waste iron oxide in to bricks (towards zero waste technology) for building purpose. Originally, a rare earth mineral separation plant till 80’s, KMML began its prestigious pigment production with a licensed capacity of 48000 MT per year and the plant had an installed capacity to produce 22,000 MT Per year. The effort for debottlenecking and incremental expansion in the past years became a reality in 2005 and the installed capacity was declared as 40,000 MT per annum. Recently, KMML-ISRO-VSSC entered into an MOU for the production of Titanium Metal/sponge which is considered to be a milestone in the history of KMML. Functional Details The Kerala Minerals And Metals Ltd has two units viz, Titanium Dioxide Pigment Unit and Mineral Separation Unit. The organizational structure consists of a Managing Director assisted by two General Managers. There are Joint General Managers, Deputy General Managers, Asst. General Managers, Mangers in various depts. /sections of the company. The plant is functioning round the clock and the production process is arranged in three shifts viz, A,B and C with eight hours. The administrative wing is functioning in general shift from 9. 00 am to 5. 00 pm. The company has provided a subsidized canteen in the premises as per provisions of Factories Act. The manufacturing process is divided in to five units such as : 1. Ilmenite Beneficiation Plant (IBP) 2. Acid Regeneration Plant (ARP) 3. Units 200 4. Unit 300/O2 5. Unit 400 The other activities of the plant as a catalytic process to the production process are also divided in to many units / Depts. and they are: 1. Utility plant 2. Central Mechanical Repair Shop (CMRS) 3. Electrical Repair Shop (ERS) 4. Instruments Repair Shop (IRS) 5. Research Development (RD) 6. Marketing 7. Plant Technical Service (PTS) 8. Materials Dept. 9. Finance Dept. 10. Personnel Administrative Dept. 11. Projects 12. Mineral Separation Unit (MS Unit _____________________

Monday, November 25, 2019

Characteristics of Contemporary Literature Essays

Characteristics of Contemporary Literature Essays Characteristics of Contemporary Literature Paper Characteristics of Contemporary Literature Paper Essay Topic: Literature Multiple meanings of the word game War, mind games, jax Evidence of the men being crazy in Game Playing jax, writing on the walls, repetition of phrases, being obsessed with each others weapons What the men in Game represent Russia USA acting childish in war What are the mens hidden guns represent? Nuclear weapons What the keys do in Game launch bombs How Game is an example of Contemporary Literature Uses multiple meanings How Everything Stuck to Him is an example of Contemporary Literature Uses works in nontraditional forms How Everything Stuck to Him is written Frame Story: present-flash back-present story within a story Dialogue in Everything Stuck to Him no quotations What does the girl boy teasing each other about her sister show about their relationship? The strong trust they have How Straw Into Gold is an example of Contemporary Literature Nontraditional forms cultural diversity What does Cisneros inherit from her mother? Street smarts How does Cisneros show cultural diversity? She is Latino What story Straw Into Gold eludes to Fairytale of Rumpelstiltskins Nontraditional form in Straw Into Gold Personal essay uses the past fearlessly Multiple meanings of straw gold straw-her past gold-now What else does Cisneros turn into gold? the tortillas at her college frienda house How Cisneros views herself? As an 11 year old girl What Cisneros inherits from her father A sappy heart love of wandering How Hiroshima is an example of Contemporary Literature Blends overlaps fiction nonfiction How Hiroshima is written Like a newspaper-fiction but reads like nonfiction Main cause of death in Hiroshima After the explosion because there wasnt enough medical care How Auto Wreck is an example of Contemporary Literature Multiple meanings synthesis Moral of Everything Stuck to Him Feelings cannot be put into nice, neat packages Why the men in Game are stuck there for extended time Oweing to an oversight multiple meaning of bird missiles Japanese Stoicism Didnt freak out like Americans would have Synesthesia Relating two senses to each other loud dress What are the metaphors in Auto Wreck related to? Medical field How the car in Auto Wreck is like a locust shell The life that was once in the car was removed Moral of Auto Wreck Accidental cause of death is incomprehensible Grim joke in AutoWreck Accidents just happen-theyre no ones fault How is Rules of the Game an example of Contemporary Literature Features cultural diversity/motivation Where Tan learns chess in the park with older people What motivated Tan to run away from her mother? Embarrassment from her mothers pride boastfulness How did Tan learn to get her way with her mother? reverse psychology How In Search of Our Mothers Gardens' is an example of Contemporary Literature Uses the past fearlessly/cultural diversity In what 3 ways did Walkers mom show her creativity? 1. Quilting 2. Storytelling 3. Gardening What Walker found in search? That we find our own creative spirit from our mothers How dialogue is used in Black Boy Used to show characters emotions, reveals struggles through poverty, lack of emotions of his father, paints a picture for you

Thursday, November 21, 2019

A Knowledge Management Framework for call centre in a Telecom Company Literature review

A Knowledge Management Framework for call centre in a Telecom Company - Literature review Example It can aid the employees within an organisation, and that includes the top level managerial staffs to the ground-level employees, and even the employees working in the field outside. Thus, one of the key goals of knowledge management is to ensure that the employees have the information they need; at the times, whey they need it, to give effective performance. This is applicable to employees in organizations in various industry sectors, where knowledge or the collected data may play a key role. Call centres are becoming a key industry sector of their own, operating independently or in association with organizations from other major industry sectors like Telecom. With the development of advanced communication technologies, Telecom companies are proliferating and are impacting the people’s lives in various ‘spheres’. Organizations in the Telecom sector are optimally using call centres as an extension of their functioning, and importantly to manage the knowledge and p rovide customers apt services. Call centres, or their contemporary successors contact centres, are the preferred and prevalent way for many companies to communicate with their customers. However, perhaps the greatest challenge of running a call centre is to ensure that the customers are provided with the right information in a timely fashion. This is where the KM comes into the picture, and aids the companies to do that exactly. Although, KM has a number of practical tools and strategies to meet this challenge but to leverage the potential of these tools organisations must understand how to implement KM especially in their call centre department. In telecom companies, knowledge in any form is indeed valuable and so managing these ‘knowledge entities’ or information are important for the success and even the survival of the organizations. Call centres could do it aptly, if a framework of best practices is formulated. These best practices could aid in the management of kn owledge or information about the company’s products as well as the about the customers. So, the aim of this report to develop a KM system or framework of best practices to support the call centre in a Telecom Company in order to improve its customer service performance and the company’s competitiveness. In that direction, this report will do a literature review on the topic of KM in a general manner, and focusing on its applications in the Telecom sector as well as in call centres. Then the report will discuss the proposal for KM in call centre, by coming up with an optimal framework of best practices. Literature review KM- A background As Tiwana (2000, p.7) states â€Å"Knowledge management enables the creation, communication, and application of knowledge of all kinds to achieve business goals.† Seiner (2000) further expands on this aspect of KM by stating, â€Å"Knowledge Management envisions getting the Right Information within the Right Context to the Right Person at the Right Time for the Right Business Purpose†. Thus, when viewed from an overall perspective, KM is a discipline that aids in the process of knowledge creation or accumulation and thereby helps the employees to access that knowledge, when there is a need. This access of knowledge can positively impact on the employees’ performance, thereby improving the service provided to the customer,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Similarities between Odysseus and Creon Research Paper

Similarities between Odysseus and Creon - Research Paper Example In this paper, similarities and differences of Odysseus and Creon are defined. Creon and Odysseus appeared to be flawed in their character. Creon appeared to have excessive pride. He claimed to have exclusive power to give orders in the entire city. As the king, he was the only one issuing orders in the city. His character came out as domineering and insensitive. Creon is a strong leader who is stubborn. This causes him to be at loggerheads with his son, Haimon. He is blamed for the death of Haimon besides warning that he would never marry a lady of his choice as long as he lived. For king, Odysseus, his curiosity made him appear flawed. His curiosity caused him to get near Polyphemus. This resulted in the death of two men. He insisted on waiting for a giant at the Cyclops cave. The death of king Oedipus did not end the desire by his family to continue occupying the palace. Creon shows public support for Eteocles while he announced that Polynices is an enemy of the state. However, he sets a trend of revenge and death in the family. The daughter of king Oedipus defies the order of Creon. The order to execute Antigone faces opposition from Haimon, Ismane and Teirresias. For king Odysseus, the biggest setbacks in the journey home came from the gods who accused him of insensitivity to their needs. Both characters suffer from not meeting the set out expectations. Another striking similarity about both characters is that they get punished in retribution for their crimes. Their punishment exceeded the crimes they committed. Creon was left by himself after he was bereaved of his kinsfolk. This came after he punished Antigone (Beye, 17). According to Creon, Haimon was so young to die. The queen was reported dead according to a messenger. Most of the family members committed suicide leaving him alone. This appeared to

Monday, November 18, 2019

Analysis and Application_Unit 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analysis and Application_Unit 5 - Essay Example The method has little freedom for flexibility because of the fixed question order. Thus, individuals may feel that the responses they have given do not fit any of the selected answers (Oatey, 1999). Close-ended questions are types of questions that limit the answers of the respondents to the survey. The participants are permitted to select from a pre-existing collection of dichotomous answers, (such as true/false or yes/no), or ranking scale response choices or multiple choice with options for â€Å"other† to be completed. On the other hand, open-ended questions are forms of questions that do not offer the respondents answers to select from, but instead, the questions are phrased such that the respondents are motivated to elaborate their reactions and answers to the questions with a paragraph or a sentence depending on the survey (Colorado State University, 2012). In this survey, close-ended questions were used, and they included questions such as â€Å"Does your (mother) (father) know who you are with when you are away from home? The response categories were usually, sometimes, or never (3, 2, 1, respectively)† (Jou, Levine, and Singer, 1993). The survey results offered a mixed support for the hypothesis made for the interactive impacts of heavy metal preference. Most of the hypotheses made in the survey were supported, and it was only in one hypothesis that support was little. The researchers found little support for their subcultural hypothesis. This indicates that the methods and approaches used in the survey were valid (Jou, Levine, and Singer, 1993). The questions concerning parental attachment and control were effective. This is because they gave information concerning the link between delinquency, and parental control and attachment. For instance, it was found that the rates of delinquency decreased where there was more control that is parental. However, concerning

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Challenges to Infant and Toddler Goods Market

Challenges to Infant and Toddler Goods Market [Name: Yuet Chun LEUNG] 1.0Â  Introduction We are the fastest growing retailer of infant and toddler goods in the Australian market. As we are gearing up to meet the market demand, it appears that our online sales are growing. We are looking at what other retailers have done and experimenting with new forms of organising to support our expected growth. Thus, we can be a successful online retailer. Online retails being problems, the customer cannot try on the goods before buying them and international online orders with caution. 2.0Â  Summary of the issue The customer always complain they cannot try the product before buying them and what they do if they cannot get what they ordered. We can do the refund system if customer really do not like the product with no shipping costs that we can attract more customers to purchase products on our online retailer. According to Harvard Business Review (2017) Zappos provider clever solution to the customer cannot try the items before buying product. Zappos eliminated shipping costs and using the call center to establish the strong relationship with customers. The most important thing is customers can try them all on, and send back the ones they didnt like, gratis. (Harvard Business Review, 2017). Besides, customer always worries about if they cannot get what they ordered. We would provide the new order status page on the final page on our stores checkout. It is useful for see real-time updates on the location of their shipment and check the status of their shipment without needing to contact you directly (Shopify help center, 2017) to let customer check it and reassurance. Customers would concerns about the purchase fees when buying from foreign. According to Findlaw (2017) before you order, you need to know what is the product priced and is it converted to U.S.D if there displayed different currency. We accept U.S.D only, that would be more clearly, customers would not confuse with that. 3.0Â  Implications for the business Any online retailers problem or issue cannot without communication with customers. Therefore, we would create the new department which is Live Chat/Real-Time Support. According to Birkett (2017), 56% of responders have used live chat/real-time support to answer the question on companys website, 49% of responders are using this system for online-purchase questions. Furthermore, when live caht/real-time support, the staff can understand what the customer needs, that staff can recommend other items suit for customers, the sales would increase either. Also, we will provide the customer service training to our new department Live Chat/Real-Time Support use the positive language, find out the easiest solution, we know that, somethings could not be done and we have to explain it to customers in positive way (Kolodynska and Kolodynska, 2017). Make customers feel like we are bring the shop to customers home. Finally, we try to satisfy what all customers need, answer their online shopping question then our online retailer sales would substantially increase. Reference List Harvard Business Review. (2017). Zappos and the Connection Between Structure and Strategy. [online] Available at: https://hbr.org/2015/06/zappos-and-the-connection-between-structure-and-strategy Findlaw. (2017). Problems with Online Shopping FindLaw. [online] Available at: http://consumer.findlaw.com/consumer-transactions/problems-with-online-shopping.html Shopify Help Center. (2017). Order status page. [online] Available at: https://help.shopify.com/manual/orders/status-tracking Birkett, A. (2017). What Do You Do When Your Customers Are Afraid To Shop Online?. [online] CXL. Available at: https://conversionxl.com/customers-afraid-shop-online/ Kolodynska, O. and Kolodynska, O. (2017). How to Say No to Customers Without Making them Angry. [online] LiveChat. Available at: https://www.livechatinc.com/blog/how-to-say-no-to-customers-without-making-them-angry/

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

At the time of McCarthyism, Arthur Miller had a close friend who had :: English Literature

At the time of McCarthyism, Arthur Miller had a close friend who had been accused and was willing to name THE CRUCIBLE In 1692, puritan Massachusetts was a difficult place to live. The Puritans were people who had left England to live a pure and holy life in America. They obeyed the laws of the bible and were a very superstitious group of people. They believed that any behaviour that opposed the bible, even the tiniest thing, was of the devil and his witches. In 1950’s America there was a Senator called Joseph McCarthy who led the Un-American Activities committee. This meant that he was in charge of ridding the continent of anything that was deemed Un-American. It had not been long since the Second World War and all Americans were very paranoid about the rise of communism in some of the eastern European countries. Joseph McCarthy was not at all interested in putting people in jail but ‘naming names’- he wanted to know the names of those who were involved in communism. This process was soon to be known as McCarthyism. At the time of McCarthyism, Arthur Miller had a close friend who had been accused and was willing to ‘name names’- Miller was angry and began to write the crucible. The crucible is known as what is called an Allegory. This means that it is written to subliminally show something about one thing when it is being described as another. The crucible describes the Salem which trials in 1692 but is meant to show the complete similarities between it and 1950’s McCarthyism. Two of the main characters in The Crucible are John and Elizabeth Proctor. We learn at the beginning of the play that John and Elizabeth have a very difficult marriage. There is growth in the mistrust between them as we grow to learn that John has had an affair with the reverend’s niece: Abigail. After numerous events John and Elizabeth are sent to prison on the charges of witchcraft. Near the end of the play they meet for one last time to discuss their course of action. Faced with a difficult decision, John must choose between life and truth. This decision is difficult because he wishes to live and see his children grow up but he dare not lie about committing a crime he is not guilty of. He will do only what his wife wishes. But what is her wish? When her and John first meet in the prison she says to him â€Å"The children are well. Rebecca Samuels keeps them† she says this with the intent that John will feel a loss on the behalf of his children.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Terrorist and Assassins

For my research project, I plan to study the influence of Terrorist and Assassins and their Motives are Harmful to Society. Many different reasons inspire terrorists and assassins. The characteristics of them are always changing. Terrorists and assassins are classified into three categories: rational, psychological, and cultural. They are people regularly very common in our society and it is too difficult to identify. This is a very complicated issue but I have concentrated on their motives, I would like to get to the reason for their motives.This research will send a message to us in order to help us understand the motives of the terrorist and assassins. I have already commenced my research on a variety of resources. I am working with the organization of the topic. But to understand the motives we have to study and demonstrate the following: A) Define what a terrorist is and assassins? , B) Terrorist and assassins and their motives, C) There are anything that justifies the terrorist s and assassins? D) The effect or damage they cause to society? The main goal for my research is to prove that if there is anything that really justifies the actions of the terrorists and assassins, then they will achieve the motives to harm society. Advertising, as such, is not exactly a goal. Is Indeed half through which expands the cause, accumulate advertising is part of the initial phase in the process of obtaining substantial goals. Their actions have become one of the most powerful influences in our society.I have been searching online and they have several sites that have good information about my topic. Some of the places that described the motives of Terrorist and Murderers are discussed are books, magazines article, newspaper and web sites. A few web sites are: http://www. terrorism. com/,http://projects. wsj. com/murderdata,http://www. timeenoughforlove. org/saved/TerrorismResearchCenterBasics. htm, I will organized all my research notes and work on the final product.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Free Essays on Personal Theories And Philosophies

Educational Philosophies and Theories Abstract Personal feelings based on Philosophy and Philosophy of Education. High stakes testing an issue based on the philosophies and theories of the group. We will discuss the relationship between Educational Philosophies and Theories. We have examined idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. Also, we have explored the question of how educational policies, goals, and purposes are derived from systematic philosophies. An Assessment of Four Philosophies of Education The educational policies which derived from philosophies and theories were: â€Å"idealiasm† which seeks to create an intellectual environment for teaching and learning. There is a reaction to every action. It is the use of subjects to enhance advancement in a non-verbal way. The educators use ways of enhancing the basic subjects. For example, â€Å"mathematics is to develop students’ powers of abstraction†. â€Å"History is seen as the study of the contributions made by great women and men of the past.† (p. 101). We must see that certain things do not change, that they remain constant. Everything must flow in order. â€Å"Idealism, the attitude that places special value on ideas and ideals as products of the mind, in comparison with the world as perceived through the senses.† (Columbia Encyclopedia). â€Å"Plato conceived a world in which eternal ideas constituted reality of which the ordinary world of experience is a shadow,† sai d Wikipedia. (Internet source) â€Å"Realism is based on the nature of plausibility of realism as one of the most hotly debated issues in contemporary metaphysics, perhaps even the most hotly debated issue in contemporary philosophy.† (Stanford Encyclopedia). There are two general aspects of realism illustrated by looking at the everyday world of macroscopic objects and their properties, existence and independence. Philosophies provide hands-on experience to pull from... Free Essays on Personal Theories And Philosophies Free Essays on Personal Theories And Philosophies Educational Philosophies and Theories Abstract Personal feelings based on Philosophy and Philosophy of Education. High stakes testing an issue based on the philosophies and theories of the group. We will discuss the relationship between Educational Philosophies and Theories. We have examined idealism, realism, pragmatism, and existentialism. Also, we have explored the question of how educational policies, goals, and purposes are derived from systematic philosophies. An Assessment of Four Philosophies of Education The educational policies which derived from philosophies and theories were: â€Å"idealiasm† which seeks to create an intellectual environment for teaching and learning. There is a reaction to every action. It is the use of subjects to enhance advancement in a non-verbal way. The educators use ways of enhancing the basic subjects. For example, â€Å"mathematics is to develop students’ powers of abstraction†. â€Å"History is seen as the study of the contributions made by great women and men of the past.† (p. 101). We must see that certain things do not change, that they remain constant. Everything must flow in order. â€Å"Idealism, the attitude that places special value on ideas and ideals as products of the mind, in comparison with the world as perceived through the senses.† (Columbia Encyclopedia). â€Å"Plato conceived a world in which eternal ideas constituted reality of which the ordinary world of experience is a shadow,† sai d Wikipedia. (Internet source) â€Å"Realism is based on the nature of plausibility of realism as one of the most hotly debated issues in contemporary metaphysics, perhaps even the most hotly debated issue in contemporary philosophy.† (Stanford Encyclopedia). There are two general aspects of realism illustrated by looking at the everyday world of macroscopic objects and their properties, existence and independence. Philosophies provide hands-on experience to pull from...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

“A Homemade Education” and “Letter from Birmingham Jail”

â€Å"A Homemade Education† and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† â€Å"A Homemade Education† by Malcolm X and â€Å"Letter from Birmingham Jail† by M.L. King A Homemade Education by Malcolm X and Letter from Birmingham Jail by M.L. King have both similar and different features. King seems to use stronger rhetorical technique (logic, emotion, credibility) than Malcolm X. Both literary works are addressed to various types of audience. King appeals to his clergymen, and this letter was his response to a public statement of concern and caution issued by eight white religious leaders of the South (p.1). This fact explains the official tone of the letter, while Malcolm X writes his A Homemade Education in simple words, which can be understood by ordinary people without any special educational background. This aspect of simplicity makes Malcolms work more appealing to the majority of ordinary readers. Apart from these differences, both authors have a common purpose: help overcome racial prejudice and urge Black people to stand up for their civil and human rights. Ethos, Pathos and Logos inA Homemade Education and Letter from Birmingham Jail It is noteworthy to consider the rhetorical techniques used in both literary works in more detail. King masterfully applies ethos, pathos, and logos to his statements. His ethos has the following forms in the letter. Firstly, he writes the letter to respond to the Alabama clergy who find Kings protest in Birmingham unwise and untimely (p.1). Although the clergymen present King as an outsider, he rejects this claim, saying that he has the honor of serving as president of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference. We have some eighty-five affiliated organizations across the South (p.1) Besides, King justifies his actions by drawing parallels with the Prophets and the Apostle Paul. Referring to historical personalities, like Hitler, Martin Buber, Paul Tillich, Socrates, he proves that it is right to fight against oppression of human rights. Malcolm X also refers to some historical figures and events to present his ethos. He lists Herodotus, Will Durants Story of Civilization, Wells Outline of History, refers to the slave preacher Nat Turner, who put the fear of god into the white slave master and the Opium War on China, as well as the British Invasion to India (p.8). Mr. Elijah Muhammad taught Malcolm X how history had been whitened (p.4), which was the hardest stroke for him. Kings letter is imbued with logos since it is a justification of his deeds He describes two parts of the community a force of complacency and a force of bitterness and hatred (p. 4) and implies that he did not allow the latter to resolve a conflict in a violent way. Since Malcolm X does not justify his actions but simply tells how he acquired a homemade education, his logos is rather weak. Nonetheless, he clearly shows the readers that books completely changed his life, and the wisdom he took from them helped him make his arguments reasonable and profound. When it comes to pathos, it seems that Kings pathos is much stronger than Malcolms Presumably, this is explained by the fact that he took a direct part in the protest and witnessed black peoples oppression, humiliation, and suffering. The part of the letter, where King ponders upon the issue of untimely actions, constantly using the word when, has an immense emotional appeal. Even a few lines would be enough to feel Kings painful agony, when he describes the inhumane treatment of black people: When you have seen vicious mobs lynch your fathers and mothers at will and drown your sisters and brothers at whim; when you have seen hate-filled policemen curse, kick, brutalize, and even kill your black brothers and sister with impunity (p.2) Malcolms painful experience of violent treatment comes mainly from books and illustrations, which make his pathos weaker than Kings. All things considered, from the rhetorical standpoint, Letter from Birmingham Jail by M.L. King is stronger than A Homemade Education by Malcolm X, which is explained by Kings personal involvement into the issues he describes. Both authors revolt against racism since it is viewed as an encroachment on human innate rights, regardless of skin color. References King, M. L. Letter from Birmingham Jail. Rossier School of Education. Retrieved from uscrossier.org/pullias/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/king.pdf X, Malcolm. A Homemade Education. Canton Local Schools. Retrieved from cantonlocal.org/downloads/malcolm_x_and_his_view_on_education.pdf

Monday, November 4, 2019

UWS property taxation and finance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

UWS property taxation and finance - Essay Example UWS property taxation and finance The Mirvac Property Trust has two development funding; Meadow Springs and Seascapes. The Meadow Springs Estate is a residential estate located around and within a championship golf course in Mandurah (Compton, 2000). The estate is located approximately seventy five kilometers south of the Perth Central Business District. Meadow Springs is serviced by the Mandurah railway and Perth, allowing an easy commute for the Perth workers. The area has various shops, stores, and supermarkets located within the area. Mandurah area features various recreational facilities like restaurants, cinema complex, walkways, and parks. Meadow Springs is therefore a residential development site valued at $15.8M. The Mirvac Development Fund for Seascapes is closed end, unlisted, single project fund. The investment strategy for the fund is maximizing the value of investors by offering returns the development and investment of subdivision project and quality land (Harriss, 2008). Seascapes are a residential co mmunity located in Mandurah located seventy five kilometers Perth South. The project is comprised of the development of forty eight hectare land with subunits approval for five hundred and fifty five residential Lots in addition to a Grouped Housing Site. Seascapes are extended to view the foreshore of the Indian Ocean and are celebrated by tourists and residents alike for its relaxed atmosphere, waterways, and beaches. The property type for Seascapes is a residential development site valued at $23.6M... WACC is important for the Mirvac Property Trust because it enables the company to maintain their relationship with investors and grow their revenues. Weighted Average Cost of Capital for Mirvac Property Trust is composed of both equity financing and debt according to Mirvac Property Trust optimal mix of financing equity and debt. Weighted Average Cost of Capital has enabled the Mirvac Property Trust to make decisions about the proposed projects (Harriss, 2003). The Mirvac Property Trust came up with the above figures by computing Weighted Average Cost of Capital using the formula Weighted Average Cost of Capital = wt*rt+wp*rp +ws*rr. Where wt is long-term debt, wp is preferred stock,ws is the common stock, rt is the long term debt cost, rp is the preferred stock cost, and rr is retained earnings stock. Therefore, the projects below the anticipated Weighted Average Cost of Capital are rejected, while those above Weighted Average Cost of Capital were chosen. The weights for Mirvac Prop erty Trust used both the historical and target proportions. The target proportions were the capital mix that the Mirvac Property Trust achieved. Internal Rate of Return The Mirvac Property Trust has a target unlevered ten years IRR Internal Rate of Return of more than 11 percent. This is because the Mirvac Property Trust maximizes the property security and income growth and maintains a portfolio that is diversified (Lindholm, 2004). Mirvac trust has also continued to raise the portfolio quality through the disposal of non-aligned asset above or at valuation. The trust has utilized the development division to come up with commercial assets that are of high

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Comparing and Contrast of the Leadership Styles Research Paper

Comparing and Contrast of the Leadership Styles - Research Paper Example Participative leaders are those who believe in democracy, â€Å"This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness; rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect.† (Leadership Styles) Leaders who delegate authority always take a risk but it endears them to their employees because employees want to be a part of the decision making process. This has pros and cons but works out well because employees put in extra when they realize that they are wanted and an important part of the organization. â€Å"Jon Howell in an interview with Sun-News (January 29, 2001: 7) states "A leaders' behavior must match the situation, and the news of his or her followers." And his summary is very appropriate here: Leader effectiveness is determined by what people do, not by some inherent personal characteristic... I'm not saying personal characteristics don't help; they certainly do. But leaders have to adapt their behavioral styles to fit the situations in which they find themselves" (p. 7).   Howell says the good news is most people can learn leader behaviors and learn to recognize situations in which certain behaviors are most important.   Howell and Costley (2001) argue for the match of leader behavior, leader traits and characteristics, follower characteristics, and the situation at hand.   And there are seven leader types, fit for various behavioral processes and situations in my read of their leader theory: 1. Supportive Leaders (those considerate, people oriented leaders). 2. Directive Leaders (fit for repetitive or work spread between sites and for cultures such as Mexico that prefer status well defined. 3. Participative Leaders such as Dwight Eisenhower who could tame the Primadonna generals and politicians of WWII, and by careful listening to many v oices craft an alliance.   4. Reward and punishment leaders (transactional). 5. Charismatic (heroic) leaders 6. Boundary spanning (network) leaders 7. Leaders who build and forge social exchange (also networkers).   And now we have left the obsession with one best style of leadership. There is no universal style. There is as I have suggested, a dimension of behaviors running between Transactional and Transformational. The behavior school to this point is fixated on the transactional. To find transformational we must sail to the Isle of Situation.† (Howell and Costley). The same principles of Howell and Costley are elucidates in the paper. Core leadership behaviors Every behavior pattern has its own pros and cons. But the behavior pattern which works out the best is undoubtedly participative leadership. In this the terms and conditions are made very clear to the employees, any breach of these terms and conditions result in punishment, on the other hand if the employee perfo rms well, he/she is rewarded suitably for his/her work. This is probably the best behavior pattern, simply because everything is made crystal clear to the employees. The harder the employee works more will be his/her chances of getting rewarded. This pattern also has some risks involved like if an employee is punished for some mistake, the employee may leave the organization or

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Proposal on Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Proposal on Business - Essay Example UK firms that collapsed into the administration as they distorted or deviated under immense pressure of soaring costs and declining of consumer spending. Background Information of the Organization Woolworths is the organization under research, is medium-sized organization situated in the region of UK that appears to experience problems in the current recession period. Furthermore, this online retail company believes in providing the customers with a broad range of quality products with greater choices that include children's clothing, stationery, and toys at a very economical price. Woolworths is one of the UK's oldest store groups with more than thousand employees working at different stores all throughout UK. The statistical records provide with evidence that Woolworths has had a presence on the High Street of UK for several decades (Thompson & Martin &Â  Thompson, pp. 615-618, 2010). The history of Woolworths reveals the fact that it was in the early nineteen hundreds that covere d the local newspapers with its opening in UK. It gained recognition and popularity and the company expanded rapidly within couple of decades with more than five hundred stores in UK. However, in the middle years of the twentieth century, the growth of the company stagnated because competitors invaded the market. Contenders and competitors soon began to take over its market share as they rolled out the new concept on a faster pace (Thompson & Martin &Â  Thompson, pp. 615-618, 2010). The financial performance of Woolworths has been abating and falling in the past few years. The episodes of the shutting down of several stores of this retail company harmonize with the recession and the financial crisis that took place in the recent times. However, latter in the period of recession, Woolworths... The intention of this study is Woolworths as the organization under research, is medium-sized organization situated in the region of UK that appears to experience problems in the current recession period. Furthermore, this online retail company believes in providing the customers with a broad range of quality products with greater choices that include children's clothing, stationery, and toys at a very economical price. Woolworths is one of the UK's oldest store groups with more than thousand employees working at different stores all throughout UK. The statistical records provide with evidence that Woolworths has had a presence on the High Street of UK for several decades. The history of Woolworths reveals the fact that it was in the early nineteen hundreds that covered the local newspapers with its opening in UK. It gained recognition and popularity and the company expanded rapidly within couple of decades with more than five hundred stores in UK. However, in the middle years of the twentieth century, the growth of the company stagnated because competitors invaded the market. Contenders and competitors soon began to take over its market share as they rolled out the new concept on a faster pace. The financial performance of Woolworths has been abating and falling in the past few years. The episodes of the shutting down of several stores of this retail company harmonize with the recession and the financial crisis that took place in the recent times. However, latter in the period of recession, Woolworths reopened its store with in excess of half a million products on offer for the customers.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Comparing Operating Systems Essay Example for Free

Comparing Operating Systems Essay Operating systems are the programmes that create environment which enable the various programmes to run on a computer. That is why they are also referred to as platforms. The programmes that run on these platforms can range from simple office automation softwares that enable us to do wordprocessing to games and also device drivers. All major companies make their software for multiple platforms. By platform we mean the base environment that enables the communication between the onboard devices like the hard-disk, memory, various ports (input/output) and the functions it will carry out using other programmes that will run in that environment. For example if we look at Microsoft which makes the MS Office software that is used by most personal computers. They make MS Office for not only their own operating system namely Windows but also for MAC and also for UNIX / LINUX. The function of the Operating system is to provide an environment and background on which the other applications will run. This involves the use of Hardware like the display card, network card, sound card, printers, scanners, other input and output devices. The hardware is linked to the computer through ports and communicates with the operating system through special software known as firmware (or drivers as it is commonly known). The most common Operating Systems are: * Windows * MAC * UNIX/LINUX WINDOWS: This is developed by Microsoft and has become a major platform for personal computers around the world. The name Windows was coined for the reason that one can open more than one application at the same time and work on each one independently simply by opening them in different windows. The earlier programmes did not have this capability and it revolutionised the industry. After this popularity, various versions were developed with time and now-a-days, we see the launch of Windows Vista. Before this we had the Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98 etc. The popularity of Windows has been more so in its marketing strategy in that it has not limited itself to geographical boundaries. As a result of its becoming popular and being the most commonly used operating system also had advantages in terms of support. There were more people who had had experience of using Windows and some were able to even provide expertise and support where more advanced Microsoft support was not available e.g. in the remote areas of Africa and other rural areas. But like its popularity it had other people who liked to know more of the Operating system and who wanted to know more about how it works in the background. This led to a new breed of programmers who liked to tear things apart and learn about the mechanism of the system. These people then found ways of overriding certain functions, disabling certain features and using the system to their own advantage and a term was coined for them to be known as Hackers. Windows has had to deal with this breed of programmers to continue to hold the market and continuously trying to prove that their Operating System is safe and secure. Some of these programmers later on turned to other ways of proving their skills by developing programmes that would install themselves on the system and wreak havoc on the user by destroying the data, playing up with files and hijacking confidential information and sending it to them. These programmes are known as viruses, which like the clinical virus, avoid detection by changing form and then when the opportunity allows, do their bit of destruction. Windows uses the protocol TCP/IP to communicate with other computers. It is also the protocol that is used for communicating with the internet. MAC : This was developed by the makers of Apple Macintosh computers or Apple for short. It has upto now managed to hold a great deal of market share in the USA where it originated and incidentally, Microsoft is also based there. The MAC operating system was developed solely for use in the Apple computers and it was programmed for specific hardware that was on the Apple PCs. Unlike Windows that was developed independent of the hardware, MAC on the other hand remained dependent on the hardware and the various versions that came were designed so as to get the maximum output from the same hardware rather than for other new hardware. This was the reason that AppleMac as it was commonly called failed to capture the global market since people could not afford to buy the hardware and also the level of support was lacking beyond the borders of USA. It did try to market the concept that you need to buy the hardware only once and then just keep upgrading the software but by this time it was too late. Far East especially Taiwan, Korea, Japan and China took on the opportunity and started developing motherboards for PCs for which Microsoft was willing to supply the necessary Operating System. MAC has produced various versions so far and presently we are using MAC OS x10.5 also nicknamed Leopard just like its previous versions which were also named after the big cats. Except for the first one which was named Kodak after the Grizzly bear. Unlike Windows MAC does not have enemies of the likes of Hackers and Virus creators. It does get them but since MAC is not a popular system of the likes of Windows the Hackers and Virus programmers find it not that worthwhile to work on them. However, it does not mean that they are free from it, some people still do it and MAC also has to work around such people each time and new patches are constantly being developed. MAC uses the protocol AppleTalk to communicate with other computers. However, when it needs to go to the internet, it has to have TCP/IP protocol installed. UNIX/LINUX: Unlike the Windows and MAC this is not only an Open Source Operating System but also Freeware. By Open Source we mean that the main code of the programme on which it is based, is not secret or a property of anyone. Earlier when we talked about the Hackers getting into the operating system and disabling certain functions and enabling others to get it to work the way they want, this is exactly what an Open Source system allows one to do. One does not need to have a great deal of knowledge of programming to be able to manipulate the programme and also one does not need to worry about breaking any law by doing so. The inventors of the programme have given a basic programme along with the freehand to do whatever with it and make it work to your specific requirements. By freeware, we mean that the inventors who have created this programme do not want any money for it and it is free for anyone to download and use. Other terms in this context are the Shareware, this means that the programmer will only give you the software to use on a trial basis for a limited time so that you may evaluate it and see if it suits your needs or not. If it does, then after the trial period you may buy the full version thus avoiding any unnecessary cost that you could have incurred if it was not what you wanted. UNIX or LINUX which are both of similar nature though LINUX is the newer version, have another advantage in comparison to Windows and MAC in that, since these are Open source not many viruses or hackers try to disrupt it. However, UNIX is the main programme that hackers use to hack into either Windows or MAC since it allows you to work on the base level of the programme. UNIX also uses the TCP/IP protocol and thus one does not need to install other protocols to connect to the internet. Due to its popularity the LINUX has been taken by Sun Microsystems which is a major IT company based in Germany and they manufacture Sun computer systems. Sun computers use LINUX as their main operating system. When we run LINUX on a normal PC it is called referred to as a LINUX COMPARISON AT A GLANCE Windows MAC UNIX / LINUX * Popular around the world * Support is available even in remote areas * Uses the same protocol that is used to communicate with the internet. * Is very prone to hackers and viruses thus the creators have to constantly develop patches to overcome the threats. * Has more variety of programmes available as compared to other operating systems * Is only popular in the America * Has limited support around the world. * Is more secure than Windows in that it is not prone to hackers and viruses. * Uses the protocol AppleTalk to communicate with other Apple computers but needs the TCP/IP to communicate with the internet. * It is freeware so anyone can use it free of cost. * It is an open source system allowing one to customise it to ones own needs and requirements without fear of any legal liability. * It uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate thus is compliant with the internet. * Most internet servers still use UNIX as their main operating system

Sunday, October 27, 2019

A Midsummer Nights Dream Performance Analysis

A Midsummer Nights Dream Performance Analysis In A Midsummer Nights Dream- How would you perform the role of: Lysander (500 words) Demetrius(500 words) Helena(500 words) Hermia(500 words) Theseus(500 words) in order to convey interpretation of the role to your audience? A point to consider before bringing the individual character interpretations into play is how to contextualise the performances within the text as a whole. In other words, the characters are not mutually exclusive entities, rather, they are interactive and woven into the landscape of the play. Therefore, I would like to propose a general outline for the overall performance. There are many ways to perform ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream,’ and the way I choose will affect elements of the characters. There have been many performances of Shakespearean drama, where the play is brought into the modern day. I however, would like to perform the play in its classic setting. I would like the play to retain its archaic time setting. It is a very self-reflexive play – it is a play about staging a play. This highlights the idea of drama at its root – the reheasrsal and work that goes into a play. I would like to leave the play in an olden day setting because it consolidates the idea of drama being detached from life through its artifice, and the play being set in a by-gone era further consolidates the idea of detaching drama from everyday life. (a)The first character I would like to look at is Lysander. He refuses to yield to Demetrius’s demand for Hermia’s hand, and risks the wrath of Theseus by eloping with Hermia. This demonstrates not only the depth of his feeling for Hermia, but also his conviction in his own beliefs, and the courage to carry out these beliefs. The comic arc of Lysander’s performance hits its climax after Puck has sprinkled the love potion into his eyes and he falls in love with Helena. I would perform the character with some hyperbole at this point, in order to convey the comic element of the text to the audience. The idea of Lysander challenging Demetrius to a duel in order to win Helena’s hand is an example of the excessive behaviour and heightened action that brings much of the comedy into the play. It is a humour that comes from the reversal of the natural order – Helena has gone from being desperately in love with Demetrius and being scorned by him to being the object of both men’s affection, for example. This reversal in the behaviour of Lysander is something I’d like to highlight in performance. I think a change in demeanor, and in vocal qualities could highlight this. At the beginning of the play, Lysander is portrayed as a romantic hero. I would convey this to the audience through his appearance; ideally, the role would be filled by a tall, handsome man. I would like him to wear a costume of light material – symbolising the innocence of the ‘true lovers’ (Hermia’s description of themselves). As I would like to keep the play true to its chromatic origins, I would like Lysander to wear a type of Athenean costume, which he could change when he enters the wood. I would like all the characters to change their costumes when they enter the forest, to represent the immense change in their environment. I would like him to don a more earthy, swarthy coloured robe, such as green, to convey the pastoral environment to the audience. I would like to focus on how the character of Lysander should be performed during the sequence in which he challenges Demetrius to a duel. The interpretation that I would like to convey to the audience is one of escalating absurdity, which contributes to humour. This would be done through the props, delivery, vocal quality, paralinguistic features and a demonstration of how Lysander relates to Demetrius in this section: Lysander †¦Helen, I love thee. By my life I do. I swear by that which I will lose for thee To prove him false that says I love thee not. Demetrius I say I love thee more than he can do. Lysander If thou say so, withdraw, and prove it too. (Scene III, Act II, lines 251-256) There is a strong sense of rhythm in these lines, and also rhyme, which contribute to the tension and sense of heightened action. I would like the actor to highlight the rhythm in his delivery. I would like Lysander to adopt a masculine stance, and to circle Dimitrius, expanding his movement around the stage, owning the stage, as it were, using the entire stage to convey to the audience that he feels he owns the space, as he prowls around it. (493 words) A character trait that emerges from the text is the point where he tells the infatuated Helena that when he says, â€Å"Tempt not too much the hatred of my spirit;/For I am sick when I do look on thee.† (Scene II Act I, lines 211-212). This utterance evokes a sense of his cruel nature, a pejorative view of Demetrius which is further consolidated when we examine the first first scene of the first act. When Lysander and Hermia are told that they cannot marry, Demetruis tells them they should let him have his â€Å"certain right.† (Scene I Act I line 92). There is subsequently a huge change in Demetruis when he falls back in love with Helena at the end of the play. This is indicative of a softening of his character – a change which I feel should be represented visually in performance. In order to convey Demetruis’s somewhat cruel, righteous nature to the audience, I think the actor should appropriate a certain demeanor. Body language could be used to demonstrate his confident, cocky side. For example, he could strut, use large gestures and also make use of all of the stage space – exercising his self imposed ‘right’ to the stage space in the same way that he wants to exercise his ‘right’ to Hermia’s hand. I would like his costume to be dark colours – such as a rich red – and flamboyant design, to contrast with Lysanders’. The vocal qualities should also demonstrate these traits. He only has two lines in scene I, act one, so it is very important how these are represented, as they will be the first impression the audience have of him. Demetrius’s lines are: Relent, sweet Hermia; and, Lysander, yield Thy crazed title to my certain right. (Scene I, Act I, lines 91-92) The way in which this line is performed is very important. As the tormented lovers, the audience feels very strongly for Hermia and Lysander, to whom the presence of Demetrius is an invasive one. I would therefore also like to convey to the audience this sense of invasion. When Demetrius says, â€Å"Relent, sweet Hermia†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I would like him to walk up to Hermia, and put his arm around her, caressing her with his other hand, turning them both away from Lysander. When he speaks to Lysander, Demetrius should keep his back to Lysander, but turn his head to face him, so that his line is like an aside, as if he does not respect him. The words ‘†¦crazed title†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ should be accompanied by paralinguistic features, such as an outstretching arm to convey to the audience how much Demetrius does not want Lysander and Hermia to marry. Finally, the word ‘†¦my†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ should be over emphasized to convey that Demetrius strongly feels that Hermia shou ld be his, whether she loves him or not, because of the wishes of her father. His character, and especially his behaviour towards Helana changes at the end of the play. Whilst in the earlier stages of the play, he is confident, using large gestures and a lot of stage space, at the end of the play, I would like him to express a more tender side to the audience, to convey the development of his character: That we are awake? It seems to me That yet we sleep, we dream. Do not you think The duke was here, and bid us follow him? (Scene IV, Act I, lines 192-194) This line should be used to convey character development to the audience as it contrasts so strongly with his opening line – the use of ‘†¦you†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ in contrast to ‘†¦my†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ for example. There is also a confusion in this utterance, which contrast with the confidence in the first lines. (566 words) Helena At the beginning of the play, Helena is portrayed as hapless; the scorned lover who has been wooed by Demetrius and then ignored in favour of Hermia. However, like Demetrius, Helena demonstrates a massive character development and transformation. Like Lysander, the arc of her character trajectory reaches its crescendo after Puck has sprinkled the love potion in Lysander and Demetrius’s eyes. When they both try to woo her, she feels they are mocking her, and gets angry. To best convey the transformation in her character between before and after the love potion has been dispensed, I’d like to consider how vocal quality and demeanor can be used in two of her utterances: Call you me fair? That ‘fair’ again unsay. Demetrius loves your fair. O happy fair! †¦Sickness is catching. O, were favour so, Yours would I catch, fair Hermia, ere I go. †¦O, teach me how you look, and with what art You sway the motion of Demetrius’ heart. (Scene I, Act I, lines 181-194) This except is from a long speech in which Helena proceeds to extol the virtues of Hermia, with whom Demetrius is infatuated. The key message I would like to convey to the audience from this speech is the idea that Helena is confused, upset and slightly jealous of Hermia. She is asking Hermia how she won the heart of Demetrius. In order to convey this dejection to the audience, I think the delivery of this speech should involve some rhetoric – while Helena is asking Hermia how she wooed him, and saying how fair Hermia is, my interpretation of this speech is that it is a melancholy meditation on the loss of her love. She is not looking for external answers, rather internal answers, and so it is questions she is asking herself. This could be expressed to the audience by the character of Helena distancing her self physically from the group – this would be a visual symbol of her isolation. Her demeanor and body language would be hunched and dejected, and her voice subdued a nd hushed The other speech that is a seminal moment in the performance of Helen is when she feels she is being mocked by the two men, and gets angry. Clearly her relationship with Demetrius is changed when he falls in love with her. While she may be unaware of it, the hierarchy of the relationship has been overturned, and she has now adopted a position of power. In her speech, she says: O spite! O hell! I see you are all bent To set against me for your merriment. If you were civil and knew courtesy You would not do me thus much injury. (Scene III, Act II, lines 145-148) This speech can be used to great effect to demonstrate the performance possibilities of this role. The demeanor and vocal qualities performing this speech would require differ hugely to the earlier one – with a louder voice, delivery directed at the other characters and inflated body language required. (493 words) Hermia Hermia is represented in the play as a strong, defiant young woman, prepared to take risks in order to fulfil her own desires. This is exemplified in her refusal to bow down to her father’s wish that she marry Demetrius. In the face of a death sentence, or life in a nunnery, she escapes with Lysander into the forest. Lysander’s love for Hermia, along with Demetrius’s desire, demonstrate that she is an attractive and desirable young woman. These are two important points I’d like to consider when constructing the performance of Hermia. I would like to convey to the audience her inner strength and determination, alongside her physical attractiveness. The notion of physical attractiveness could be conveyed primarily through costume and appearance. As Hermia is clearly a woman of considerable charm (illustrated when Helena asks her what charm she used to capture Demetruis’s heart), her costume should reflect this. As it is believed that she unwittingly won over Demetrius (this is an ambiguity in the text – it is possible that Demetrius loves her because her father is so impressed by him) I would also like to impress upon the audience a sense of naivete and innocence. The obvious symbolic colour of this is white. White would also look striking under the stage lights. I would use floaty fabrics for the costumes, such as organza, to communicate the ethereal quality of not only Hermia herself, but also the forest, and the magic contained within it. When Hermia leaves Athens and escapes to the forest, I would like her to adopt a robe over her dress, of green, to convey to the audience, through her change in costume, that a change is impending in the play. While the charm and beauty of the character of Hermia will be communicated visually, the inner strength and courage that I interpret as being key elements of her character, will be communicated through her demeanor. It is commonly understood in the study of body language that confident people stand up straight, unlike shy people, who hunch up, in a subconscious decision to take up less space. In this way, stage space becomes an important indicator of personality. I have mentioned before that I would, at certain points in the text like characters to use the whole space of the stage to convey a sense of confidence. I would like the performance of Hermia to adopt a comfortable use of the entire stage space. More specifically, I would like to refer to one speech that I feel is very important in the text, in Scene I, Act I, when Hermia is talking to Theseus with regards to her desire to marry Lysander: So will I grow, so live, so die, my lord, Ere I will yield my virgin patent up Unto his lordship whose unwished yoke My soul consents not to give soveregnity. (Scene I, Act I, lines 79-82) This speech is an important point at the text because Hermia makes clear her intentions to avoid marriage to Demetrius. It is a very dramatic, sensitive piece. This speech should be delivered with intensity, to convey to the audience the depth of Hermia’s feelings for Lysander. The performance should include some paralinguistic features such as moving around the stage, facial expressions and hand movements to express her feelings visually. (549 words) My understanding of Theseus is that he is a very complex character – there is conflicting evidence in the text as to his true nature. There is one utterance in the text that brings up questions regarding his true nature, when he is talking to Hippolyta and he says that: Hippolyta, I wooed thee with my sword, And won thy love doing thee injuries; But I will wed thee in another key: (Scene I, Act I, lines 16-18) My interpretation of this line is that Theseus raped Hippolyta. The implications of this in terms of how the character should be performed are vast. In much of the text, Theseus is represented as a pensive, thoughtful man. He kindly advises Hermia to â€Å"Take time to pause†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Scene I, Act I, line 83) when discussing the situation with her father Egeus. This scene presents him as rational and kindly. The suggestion of rape in line 16 makes the line highly important, the suggestion I would like to convey to the audience is the idea that Theseus is warning Hippolyta. In bringing the issue of the rape to the forefront, he is reminding her of the power balance in their relationship. There is also possibly some penitence in this admission. This could be communicated to the audience through the use of certain vocal qualities, demeanor and stage space. I would like Theseus’s sense of power to be conveyed to the audience in a visual way, so he would deliver this speech standing, and walking around, whilst the character of Hippolyta would be sitting down. The discrepancy in their heights would be a visual representation of the hierarchy, which would further consolidate what Theseus was saying. This is such a patriarchal power play that props could be used to represent a sense of phallocentricity – such as a sceptre – a regal and phallic symbol. The use of this prop co uld convey to the audience my interpretation of Theseus as being the patriarchal and dominant force in the opening of the play. His kingdom is run on a set of rigid rules – for example, Egeus invoking the ancient law of Athens as Hermia wants to marry Lysander. This is in stark contrast to the forest – the mysterious, feminine arena which is the binary opposite of Athens. In terms of demeanor, Theseus should be calm, and considered in his movements. I would like his costume to be of dark colours, and of neat, clean lines. This operates in contrast to Hermia’s costume – the white of her costume is a symbol of innocence while the dark of Theseus’s costume is aligned with the dark side he hints at in this speech. (440 words)

Friday, October 25, 2019

Placing Me Before We in Ayn Rands Anthem Essay -- Anthem Essays

Placing Me Before We in Ayn Rand's Anthem Ayn Rand's classic story of one man's desire to become an individual in a nameless society presents a compelling refutation of collectivism in all forms. The hero, labeled "Equality 7-2521" by the State, chooses to challenge conventional authority as he learns the joys of experimentation and discovery, the ecstasy of human love, the challenge and fairness of liberty, and the happiness of self-interest. Equality 7-2521 writes three unique phrases in his journal: 1. "My happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to an end. It is the end.", 2. "We know that we are evil, but there is no will in us and no power to resist it.", 3. "The word 'We' . . . must never be placed first within man's soul.". These phrases will be discussed individually in the remainder of this essay. 1. "My happiness needs no higher aim to vindicate it. My happiness is not the means to an end. It is the end." In the tale, this thought drives the entire actions of Equality 7-2521 as he progresses in his attempt to become an individual. His happiness is not satisfied when he must share it universally with all men. Not every man can be as happy as the next, and therefore the forced brotherhood of all men will only deplete the spirits of those who are successful. In Anthem, Rand tells of Equality's joy when he "discovers" electricity. At that moment he knows that the joy of discovery is only his to relish, and that it cannot be shared or manipulated by any other man. In that regard, his own well-being is the end of his striving; he has fulfilled his wishes. To say that his happiness was only the means to, say, world peace would be to abolish his status ... ... by individuals who had some self-interest at heart. However, the creator of a product is justly entitled to his own happiness, and therefore it is at his discretion that his invention is distributed. One who creates a great thing cannot be forced to share it with mankind unless he desires. In most cases, it is in the self-interest of the originator that his creation be distributed freely. Thus, man is no longer a free man when he thinks of the group's interest above his own. It is fine for someone to be compassionate, but it is foolish to place the happiness of anyone else in front of your own. When men choose to follow groupthink, they forfeit their identities, and the end result is a world without freedom or creativity. Mankind is composed of sovereign individuals, and each person only has one obligation to self: think of "me" before "we."

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Drafting & Process Analysis

According to the ‘Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English’ a ‘Process’ is defined as a ‘continued set of actions performed intentionally in order to reach some result’ If making anything constitutes a process then I decided one fine day to indulge myself in some kind of activity the fruits of whose labour I can thoroughly enjoy later on. I decided to brew beer at my home. Other than the obvious highs that it gives you even the csting is very less, so it wont be a burden on the pocket too. It was taught to me by one of my closest chums and involves a number of steps before embarking on the real process.The right kind of equipment is a must for the successful completion of this kind of task. The quality of beer depends a lot upon the kind of equipment that you are using and the ingredients. Lets first start with lining up the equipment. The basic equipment you need is readily available on any of the hardware stores and includes One 10 Gallon fe rmenter with lid, Brew Pot, Spoon, Siphon Hose, Vinyl Tubing, Hose Clamp for siphon, some plastic pop bottles with lid, Hydrometer, Thermometer and a measuring cup.The main ingredients that one will need are the Malt Extract in size according to the quantity of beer you wish to make. It can be taken in a flavour of your liking i. e. light or dark. Yeast is a important ingredient in the process of brewing beer, so you will need around 50gms of Yeast also. Other than that you will require around 5-6 cups of white sugar. After getting ready with your things the all the equipments needed in the beer making process should be cleaned thoroughly for hygienic reasons. In the large pot boil around 10 litres of water.Also pour about the same quantity of cold water in to the fermenter. Add around 1 – 1. 5 kg of malt in the boiling water and let it cook on low to medium flame for about 30 minutes. Cooking on medium to low flame helps cooking in a better manner. Add some sugar to the boil ing mixture. The moment the sugar dissolves in the hot mixture, pour all the contents inside the fermenter with yeast. Add some cold water to bring down the temperature to room level. After that cover the lid and let the beer brew. Normally it will take around a week for the beer to brew completely at room temperature.After a week test the quality of beer with the help of an hydrometer or otherwise seasoned beer makers can tell its quality just by tasting it manually. After that comes the stage of taking the beer if its ready out of the fermenter and poring it inside the bottles. Do it carefully without spilling the precious liquid on the floor. Pour the beer from the fermenter inside the bottles with the help of a funnel. Frothing should also be avoided while filling and the bottles should also not be filled completely.Store the bottles in a warm dark area for few days and then make them cool. The beer is ready to drink but if you want to improve the quality then they should be sto red for a bit longer period. Though it cannot be said that this kind of product and process is only for tipplers. Anybody can make and then enjoy a homemade beer in just a few simple steps as explained above. The biggest advantage of making beer at home is that it is sans any kind of preservatives and chemicals and is very pure. So, pals go ahead and make your first lot of Home made Beer and Enjoy. Cheers†¦.